Upcoming changes to the consumer on Kafka component

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We recently started to review, investigate and fix reliability issues with the Kafka component. As part of that, we refactored the code to avoid problematic concurrency patterns, remove calls to deprecated Kafka client code and simplify the overall maintainability of the code. This led to many changes in the internal implementation of the component, which we will talk about in this blog post. Motivation The ground work related to these changes can be traced back to the following set of issues reported on our Jira.

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Camel K 1.5 - New configuration settings

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Camel K version 1.5 is out. And with it, a new way of providing configuration and resources to your Integration. We have worked on a deep code refactoring in order to harmonize the existing configuration settings and add new ones to exploit the power of camel-quarkus runtime, which has become the main way to materialize an Integration. We added new features that will simplify your developer life. We also added new checks that will give you useful tips when using a feature in a wrong way.

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