Apache camel-kafka-connector 0.8.0 Release

New and Noteworthy

Getting the binaries from Maven Central

We maintain a handy table linking to binary packages for the latest release on the connector list.

For this release you can use Maven Central Repository Search to find and download the binary packages. This search will show the packages from this release: g:org.apache.camel.kafkaconnector AND l:package AND v:0.8.0, or you can follow this link to the search results.

Source Distribution

Source distribution contains all the artifacts Apache Camel project distributes in source form

Apache Camel Kafka Connector

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with camel-kafka-connector0.8.0 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-kafka-connector.git
cd camel-kafka-connector
git checkout camel-kafka-connector-0.8.0

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

Fix problem when call 'context.errantRecordReporter()' will result in a NoSuchMethodException or NoClassDefFoundError when the sink connector is deployed to Connect runtimes older than Kafka 2.6
Azure storage blob failing on camel-master
camel.source.contentLogLevel config not honored in source connectors
Improve description of connector
Azure storage queue failing on Camel Master
SJMS2 Startup test failing on Camel Master
CamelKafkaConnectMain is showing sensitive information in summary
Add a map Camel Headers to Kafka headers option to make the behavior configurable
Add a map Camel Properties to Kafka headers option to make the behavior configurable
Java 14 support
Camel-Cron connector: We need to add at least camel-quartz as dependency
Add removeHeaders documentation
create a toHeader SMT
Add a column to compatibility matrix about Kafka version
Bump to Strimzi 0.21.1
Bump Apicurio Registry to 1.3.2.Final
Couchbase dependency missing?
Bump to Strimzi 0.21.0
Bump to Kafka 2.7.0
AWS2-Kinesis: Add examples
AWS2-Kinesis connector: Add a transformation to extract only the data from a source stream
Github source connector: Add some transforms to deal with the different possible events
Camel-Master: SJMS2 it test is failing
[Question] How to process avro message in S3 connector
Remove changelog gh action
Add Mongodb examples
Support camel dataformat configuration for marshaller/unmarshaller
Add test for AWS 2 SNS
Create a Twitter timeline example
Add tests to camel-kafka-connector-generator-maven-plugin


You can verify your download by following these procedures and using these KEYS.