Apache camel 3.0.1 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is a minor update of the 3.0.x branch.
Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use the camel-spring-boot-dependencies
Bill of Materials (BOM):
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-3.0.1-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-3.0.1
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-3.0.1
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (23)
- CAMEL-14363
- Camel netty requestTimeout doesn't work as expected
- CAMEL-14350
- camel-main: xml routes discovery does not work outside the classpath
- CAMEL-14332
- camel-blueprint - Camel route does not consider the value of ShutdownStrategy timeout.
- CAMEL-14327
- Jt400PgmProducer doStop() method called on actively used instance
- CAMEL-14323
- XMPP room with password disconnect after bootup
- CAMEL-14318
- camel-blueprint - <proxy> in XSD is anyType
- CAMEL-14306
- Endpoint DSL - ToD sets hash parameter when using complex objects as parameters
- CAMEL-14303
- Setting matchOnUriPrefix on netty-http Rest Component causes api route to fail
- CAMEL-14302
- Camel-spring: No longer possible to invoke static method of non-spring bean
- CAMEL-14277
- NPE when NATS server not configured
- CAMEL-14272
- Configuring endpoint with bean reference should fail if no such bean found
- CAMEL-14271
- camel di does not work for routes discovered from the registry
- CAMEL-14268
- Component auto configuration fails in Java 11
- CAMEL-14267
- Conversion fails with NullPointerException when the body is null at the end of a route and an outputType is set
- CAMEL-14265
- camel-cdi - Standalone CDI with Camel Main discovers routes twice
- CAMEL-14257
- allowUseOriginalMessage not configurable
- CAMEL-14242
- camel-rabbitmq - Binding parameters with x- is not possible when using endpointdsl
- CAMEL-14234
- Project generated with camel-archetype-spring-boot cannot be built
- CAMEL-14224
- Camel-Websocket: The sendToAll method in the Producer is really slow
- CAMEL-14223
- EndpointBuilderFactory is not updated whenever `:camel-package:generate-endpoint-dsl` is executed
- CAMEL-14220
- camel-activemq - Setting brokerURL via camel-main issue
- CAMEL-14219
- ReactiveStreams subscriber does not enforce type conversion
- CAMEL-14213
- camel-jms - Using XA and having 2 or more connection factories issue
Improvement (13)
- CAMEL-14384
- camel-jsonpath: Do not use reflection on the annotation proxy in DefaultAnnotationExpressionFactory
- CAMEL-14375
- camel-kafka - The saslJaasConfig option may contain sensitive information that can be logged
- CAMEL-14361
- camel-http - Avoid reflection in creating http method
- CAMEL-14355
- PDF producer should close PDF documents
- CAMEL-14307
- camel-rabbitmq - unable to set empty routing key when declaring DLX
- CAMEL-14292
- Remove unwanted dependency to google-http-client library
- CAMEL-14288
- Endpoint configurer should deal better with list types
- CAMEL-14287
- getComponent on CamelContext should initialize component
- CAMEL-14273
- Configuring endpoint which fails in setter should repot this as property binding exception
- CAMEL-14263
- Generate configurers for types annotated with @UriParams
- CAMEL-14245
- [camel-main] allow to enable/disable auto confioguiration per component/language/data-format
- CAMEL-14230
- Disable RC4 and MD5 TLS ciphersuites by default
- CAMEL-14228
- camel-netty - Let netty calculate the default worker count
New Feature (1)
- CAMEL-14221
- Stomp Component has no option to set version
Task (3)
- CAMEL-14365
- Create OpenTracing SpanDecorator for platform-http component
- CAMEL-14259
- camel-spring-boot - When using main-run-controller then CamelContext is initialized twice
- CAMEL-14239
- XSD schema for Camel 3 release for OSGi blueprint put online
You can verify your download by following these procedures and using these KEYS.