Apache camel 3.2.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 3.2.0 major release.
Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use the camel-spring-boot-dependencies
Bill of Materials (BOM):
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-3.2.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-3.2.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-3.2.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (30)
- CAMEL-14825
- Bugfix for Bindy-Component
- CAMEL-14789
- camel-rabbitmq - Automatic recovery of temporary reply queue is not handled correctly
- CAMEL-14788
- Unable to Start Jetty server in OSGi environment
- CAMEL-14782
- Camel-website: build is broken again
- CAMEL-14780
- camel-undertow: UndertowSecurityProvider SPI API misses a method to change HttpHandler
- CAMEL-14768
- Camel-Website: .htaccess redirects
- CAMEL-14767
- Camel-website: Build is broken
- CAMEL-14764
- header menus missing from antora site
- CAMEL-14761
- JPAMessageIdRepository Not Releasing Connections for contains() method
- CAMEL-14752
- Unmarshal TAR w/ error handling in Camel 3.x
- CAMEL-14749
- Camel-AWS2: Error configuring AWS2 endpoints behind proxy server
- CAMEL-14748
- Unmarshal ZIP w/ error handling in Camel 3.x
- CAMEL-14746
- camel-rest-swagger java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when Swagger specification don't have "scheme" object and get this specification by "file;" resource
- CAMEL-14740
- spring-boot - Error binding property in servlet-starter
- CAMEL-14739
- RouteContext missing for RedeliveryErrorHandler
- CAMEL-14733
- Properties of class Map does not work with Spring Boot
- CAMEL-14724
- camel-swagger-java Semantic error. Methods in rest service with id have the same operationId
- CAMEL-14722
- Warning message spawned by the telegram component
- CAMEL-14708
- Camel 3.0.0 Failed to start route because of Multiple consumers for the same endpoint is not allowed
- CAMEL-14691
- NPE when using reference to parameter in openapi-rest-dsl-generator
- CAMEL-14659
- camel-core - Thread stuck if exception is thrown in handle(Predicate) with onException
- CAMEL-14651
- Property placeholder not resolved in Log EIP
- CAMEL-14649
- Cannot parse catalog/components/kafka.json
- CAMEL-14645
- Wrong rest mapping on camel-undertow
- CAMEL-14632
- Optimization of DefaultExchangeFormatter leeds to crapy log output
- CAMEL-14629
- Install of camel-jackson on Karaf 4.2.7 w/ Camel 3.1.0 causes an error (same worked with Karaf 4.2.7 w/ Camel 3.0.1)
- CAMEL-14624
- RouteCoverage in Test throws Exception for TransactedDefinition
- CAMEL-14621
- Camel-spring-boot-starters have unnecessary JAX-B and JAX-WS dependencies on Java 11
- CAMEL-14615
- camel kafka starter for spring does not consider camel.component.kafka.brokers property
- CAMEL-14601
- Camel Kafka feature cannot be install on HPUX and Solaris arch
Improvement (67)
- CAMEL-14821
- camel-spark-rest - Remove this component
- CAMEL-14819
- rest-dsl - XML binding mode should have JAXB initialization done in camel-jaxb
- CAMEL-14815
- ComponentModel.name not set by generate-endpoint-schema mojo
- CAMEL-14814
- Introduce ArtifactModel as an abstraction over Component, Language, Dataformat and Other models
- CAMEL-14811
- Remove JMX Connector configuration
- CAMEL-14798
- Separate Avro dataformat out of camel-avro component
- CAMEL-14795
- camel-mail: allow dynamic setting of token in order to be able to support OAUTH
- CAMEL-14794
- camel-weather - Upgrade to http client 4.x
- CAMEL-14793
- camel-kafka - Decrease default consumer request timeout to 30s
- CAMEL-14779
- Move Main out of camel-spring due to osgi circular dependency issue
- CAMEL-14775
- camel-cxf - Move OSGi blueprint out into camel-cxf-blueprint
- CAMEL-14770
- Sort nav the same as index pages
- CAMEL-14766
- Rearrange 3.0.x components component similar to latest
- CAMEL-14765
- Rearrange 2.x components component similar to latest
- CAMEL-14762
- camel-core - Configurer to include API for method name and type
- CAMEL-14760
- camel-main - Generate configurer for its own options
- CAMEL-14747
- Put all the EIP documentation in one place, and possibly version it.
- CAMEL-14742
- Prevent JMX rebinding
- CAMEL-14734
- camel-hbase - Upgrade to newer 2.x release
- CAMEL-14726
- Upgrade MongoDB client to 4.0.0
- CAMEL-14723
- Adding a restConfiguration() make all rest properties to be ignored
- CAMEL-14721
- camel-kafka - Include key.subject.name.strategy and value.subject.name.strategy as possible configurations
- CAMEL-14720
- camel-core - Move cluster from core-engine to camel-cluster
- CAMEL-14719
- camel-core - Camel context started events should be emitted after its status is started
- CAMEL-14717
- camel-core - Binding properties add support for optional keys
- CAMEL-14716
- @BeanConfigInject add support for Map
- CAMEL-14715
- Move karaf/osgi to separate git repository
- CAMEL-14711
- Disable RabbitMQ Java serialization by default
- CAMEL-14699
- Platform HTTP endpoints should support matchOnUriPrefix
- CAMEL-14698
- Consider rearranging site source to Antora norms
- CAMEL-14697
- openapi-rest-dsl-generator not considering path parameters
- CAMEL-14696
- Document working on the website on Windows
- CAMEL-14692
- camel-pulsar: Support Key_Shared subscription mode
- CAMEL-14690
- Camel-AWS2: Better logging when checking client instance in the registry
- CAMEL-14687
- Cannot build camel behind firewall
- CAMEL-14685
- Camel-RabbitMQ: Introduce an HeaderFilterStrategy to RabbitMQMessageConverter
- CAMEL-14679
- Support DROP_ROOT_MODE in XStream JSON dataformat
- CAMEL-14671
- Make PropertiesFunction part of the PropertiesComponent SPI
- CAMEL-14658
- Provide a simpler way to connect to a local s3 instance
- CAMEL-14648
- camel-core - Optimize normalizeUri
- CAMEL-14646
- [camel-azure] Add the possibility to set credentials as query parameters
- CAMEL-14644
- camel-core - Optimize dynamic EIPs to only normalize uri once
- CAMEL-14642
- camel-spring-boot - Using max duration and shutdown before should terminate scheduled thread quicker
- CAMEL-14641
- camel-spring-boot - Using main controller should not double initialize from properties
- CAMEL-14639
- DefaultHttpRegistry thread safety
- CAMEL-14635
- camel-activemq - Rename BrokerURL to brokerUrl for spring boot auto configuration
- CAMEL-14625
- camel-pulsar : Support asynchronous processing
- CAMEL-14620
- camel-spring-boot - Use configurer classes for setting options
- CAMEL-14609
- camel-core - Optimize URIScanner
- CAMEL-14608
- Camel-Pulsar add the ability to add Dead Letter Policies to Consumers
- CAMEL-14607
- Camel-Pulsar add Negative ack support
- CAMEL-14599
- AdviceWithRouteBuilder - Inconherent test
- CAMEL-14595
- camel-mail - Allow to use headers for additional mail properties
- CAMEL-14576
- camel-hbase - Test using test containers
- CAMEL-14575
- camel-core - TypeConverter from String to Long - drop time pattern
- CAMEL-14568
- camel component configurations include nested configuration classes
- CAMEL-14544
- Camel-Hazelcast: Upgrade to Hazelcast 4
- CAMEL-14514
- Improving Google Pub/Sub performance
- CAMEL-14495
- OPC UA Client samplingInterval parameter seems not take any effect
- CAMEL-14423
- Migrate MongoDB component to mongodb-driver-sync dependency
- CAMEL-14407
- Add a consumerTag on the RabbitMQ camel endpoint
- CAMEL-14395
- camel-jms - Add option to turn off Artemis optimization for bytes messages
- CAMEL-14208
- camel-undertow: add option to secure endpoints with Keycloak on spring-boot
- CAMEL-13844
- RestConfiguration - Make it simpler and only have one
- CAMEL-13784
- Update to AWS SDK V2
- CAMEL-13462
- camel-azure - Allow a header to specify the blob name
- CAMEL-13440
- camel3 - Cleanup so we no longer have need for RouteContext
New Feature (10)
- CAMEL-14813
- Remove CachingServiceDiscovery
- CAMEL-14776
- Camel-Maven-Plugin: Moving blueprint support in a different plugin
- CAMEL-14738
- Create a camel-platform-http-vertx component
- CAMEL-14670
- @PropertyInject : support for complex - non primitive - injection
- CAMEL-14630
- camel-gson: Add the possibility to get the unmarshal type from a header named CamelGsonUnmarshalType
- CAMEL-14598
- Component Properties aliases
- CAMEL-14596
- ToD and RecipientList with no cache can avoid caching endpoints
- CAMEL-14584
- camel-elytron - Only use the JARs really needed
- CAMEL-14455
- camel-rabbitmq - Option to override the Rabbit MQ DefaultExceptionHandler
- CAMEL-12863
- Add configOptions to camel-restdsl-swagger-plugin for swagger-codegen-plugin
Sub-task (18)
- CAMEL-14791
- convert broken link: to checkable xref in camel-2.x
- CAMEL-14785
- 3.0.x xref fixes
- CAMEL-14784
- 2.x xref fixes.
- CAMEL-14783
- website playbook update
- CAMEL-14758
- aggregate eip content - camel-website - eip in components component
- CAMEL-14757
- aggregate eip content - camel-website - separate eip component
- CAMEL-14756
- aggregate eip content - 2.x branch
- CAMEL-14755
- aggregate eip content - 3.0.x branch
- CAMEL-14754
- aggregate eip content - master branch - part of components component
- CAMEL-14753
- aggregate eip docs - master - as separate component
- CAMEL-14731
- camel-website playbook rearrangement
- CAMEL-14730
- 2.x website source rearrangement
- CAMEL-14729
- 3.0.x branch website source rearrangement
- CAMEL-14728
- master branch website source rearrangement
- CAMEL-14556
- Create an AWS-Lambda component based on SDK v2
- CAMEL-14555
- Create an AWS-S3 component based on SDK v2
- CAMEL-14554
- Create an AWS-SWF component based on SDK v2
- CAMEL-14520
- Create an AWS-Kinesis component based on SDK v2
Task (33)
- CAMEL-14804
- camel-servlet-osgi - Move osgi bits to camel-karaf
- CAMEL-14803
- camel-karaf - Add docs for website
- CAMEL-14802
- CI job for JDK 14
- CAMEL-14799
- camel-blueprint - Does not start with recent changes
- CAMEL-14796
- camel-catalog - has big dependency due that allcomponents thingy
- CAMEL-14790
- camel-undertow: remove spring-boot starter after refactor of elytron component
- CAMEL-14787
- camel-zookeeper-master - Test fails on CI
- CAMEL-14786
- Move as much initialisation code from start() to init() phase
- CAMEL-14774
- Camel-Package-Maven-Plugin: Add an option to avoid SyncPom execution on external project
- CAMEL-14773
- Upgrade Debezium to 1.1.0.Final
- CAMEL-14743
- camel-elytron: refactor component to use new SPI interface from camel-undertow
- CAMEL-14741
- The FluentProducerTemplate.withTemplateCustomizer is broken
- CAMEL-14713
- camel-main - Make caffeine optional
- CAMEL-14712
- Provide an immutable lightweight camel context
- CAMEL-14706
- camel-core - Optimize and remove JavaUuidGenerator
- CAMEL-14702
- camel-core - Remove @XmlAdapter from model
- CAMEL-14669
- Upgrade mockito to 3.3.x
- CAMEL-14665
- Camel-AWS2 S3: Add downloadLink operation
- CAMEL-14664
- Camel-AWS2-S3: add more integration tests
- CAMEL-14663
- Camel-AWS2 S3: Add support for multipart upload
- CAMEL-14662
- Upgrade to zookeeper 3.5.x
- CAMEL-14657
- Make generate plugin less verbose
- CAMEL-14640
- CVEs in the library dependencies
- CAMEL-14628
- Make sure a compilation is triggered if the generators changed anything in the generated sources
- CAMEL-14627
- Camel 3.2.x: We still have references to 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT
- CAMEL-14606
- Yaml data format does not export snakeyaml version
- CAMEL-14605
- EIP docs - The options are not automatic updated on build
- CAMEL-14604
- camel-core - Wiretap.json is not up to date
- CAMEL-14592
- Correct the camel-gson documentation
- CAMEL-14494
- Breakdown azure-component into multiple components similar to the aws component
- CAMEL-14283
- camel-website - Cleanup the EIP menu
- CAMEL-14020
- Migrate deprecate getOut to getMessage in tests
- CAMEL-12191
- Camel-Kafka: create an example on Kubernetes/Openshift by using Strimzi
Test (2)
- CAMEL-14710
- Camel-Jcache: Tests are failing
- CAMEL-14636
- camel-spring-boot - camel-reactive-streams-starter fails test
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