Apache camel 3.9.0 Release
New and Noteworthy
This release is the new Camel 3.9.0 minor release.
Getting the Binaries using Maven
To use this release in your Apache Maven pom.xml
, import the Camel Bill of Materials (BOM) and then include the camel-core
and any other components needed without specifying the version.
To use this release in a Spring Boot application, use the camel-spring-boot-dependencies
Bill of Materials (BOM):
Apache Camel
Download | Signature and checksum |
apache-camel-3.9.0-src.zip (Sources) | PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum |
Git tag checkout
Release is tagged with camel-3.9.0
in the Git, to fetch it use:
git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel.git cd camel git checkout camel-3.9.0
Resolved issues
Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release
Bug (46)
- CAMEL-16699
- HttpProducer skip request headers for query params on bridge endpoint broken for common types
- CAMEL-16538
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Data format 'jacksonxml' could not be created
- CAMEL-16382
- Unable to disable autowiring on Infinispan component
- CAMEL-16356
- custom LdapEndpoint: inconsistent type for pageSize leads to NPE
- CAMEL-16345
- camel-main fails to load component properties from Enviroment variables
- CAMEL-16344
- camel-spring-ws - Skip Content-Type as SOAP:ENV response header
- CAMEL-16343
- [camel-kafka] Avoid committing offsets onPartitionsRevoked if the user is manually committing the offsets
- CAMEL-16340
- SalesforceProducer.doStart() is called before SalesforceComponent.doStart()
- CAMEL-16327
- Kafka Consumer Component always commits latest offset on shutdown even if autoCommitOnStop == none
- CAMEL-16324
- camel-core - Spring Transactions does not work due recent optimization
- CAMEL-16318
- camel-kafka - LoginCallbackHandler causes ClassNotFoudException on OSGi
- CAMEL-16317
- NPE on SFTP component query parameter for options that are duration
- CAMEL-16309
- The Rest Openapi schema generator has a typo; "sting" instead of "string"
- CAMEL-16307
- azure-storage-datalake:...?operation=getFile appends newline to the file content
- CAMEL-16305
- camel-servicenow-maven-plugin generated model classes wont compile
- CAMEL-16298
- camel-core - pollEnrich with endpoint-dsl should use EndpointConsumerBuilder
- CAMEL-16297
- camel-core - Splitter does not call aggregation strategy when transacted is enabled
- CAMEL-16296
- camel-as2 - Restarting bundle on karaf causes PortNumberInUse error
- CAMEL-16295
- split with AggregationStrategy is ignored when using transacted
- CAMEL-16291
- camel-cxfrs producer shouldn't try to read Entity from javax.ws.rs.core.Response
- CAMEL-16284
- camel-couchbase: Incorrect Endpoint URI breaks CKC's couchbase connector
- CAMEL-16283
- camel-jetty - NPE in binding for query parsing
- CAMEL-16282
- VertxBufferConverter does not handle encoding correctly
- CAMEL-16280
- NettyEndpointUriFactory#buildUri() not compatible with Netty endpoint URL
- CAMEL-16276
- WireTap does not work with NoErrorHandler
- CAMEL-16258
- camel-spring-boot - @ExcludeRoutes not working anymore
- CAMEL-16252
- [camel-azure-storage-blob] Stream caching bug due to unsupported InputStream mark operation
- CAMEL-16244
- Multiple consumers for the same endpoint using camel-restdsl-openapi-plugin
- CAMEL-16241
- Endpoint DSL (http component) Properties are not correctly set for Basic Authentications
- CAMEL-16235
- camel-servlet-starter does not ServletComponent
- CAMEL-16233
- camel-jetty - type converter error after last optimization
- CAMEL-16227
- Netty with reuseChannel=true invokes wrong callback
- CAMEL-16226
- camel-cbor: Unexpected character ('¿' (code 191)): expected a valid value
- CAMEL-16225
- camel-karaf - route-list command fail with NPE
- CAMEL-16210
- camel-core - Choice EIP exception from predicate may trigger otherwise
- CAMEL-16206
- camel-sql: Message body is not preserved when CamelSqlRetrieveGeneratedKeys == true
- CAMEL-16196
- camel-main - Configure using Java only does not configure for some types
- CAMEL-16189
- AWS2S3Producer not setting serverside encryption values
- CAMEL-16179
- NPE during MongoDB initialization
- CAMEL-16178
- Enrich with REST+netty hangs when connection is closed without response
- CAMEL-16177
- File stream cache problem with multicast parallel processing and encrypted stream
- CAMEL-16176
- camel-kafka - Bug in header filter strategy regexp pattern
- CAMEL-16173
- Camel Resilience4j Bulkhead seems to not limit concurrent requests
- CAMEL-16079
- aws-sn2 does not recognise FIFO queue configured though arn
- CAMEL-16063
- should consider multiple ApplicationContext instances when specifying another management.server.port
- CAMEL-14980
- camel-kafka - SerializationException - consumer keeps leaving and rejoining the group
Dependency upgrade (1)
- CAMEL-16376
- camel-spring-boot - Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.4.4
Improvement (67)
- CAMEL-16522
- Apache Camel Jars for latest versions
- CAMEL-16359
- Camel-spring-rabbitmq - Allow null body
- CAMEL-16358
- camel-spring-rabbitmq - Configure consumer retry strategies more easily
- CAMEL-16357
- Camel-splunk: tcp mode can not work with port/host mapping (e.g. in docker environment)
- CAMEL-16355
- camel-core - Optimize Filter and Choice EIP
- CAMEL-16351
- camel-core - Camel JARs OSGi MANIFEST.MF has unwanted include-resources
- CAMEL-16349
- camel-core - MainHelper load list from file in classpath to reduce memory
- CAMEL-16348
- camel-core - Optimize shutdown strategy forceShutdown check
- CAMEL-16342
- Upgrade common-compression to 1.20 and fix camel-tarfile accordingly
- CAMEL-16339
- camel-seda - Optimize to avoid unnesssary exchange copy
- CAMEL-16337
- camel-core - pooled exchanges - Can we optimize exchangeId
- CAMEL-16336
- Make CustomSlackHttpClient compatible with okhttp 3.x
- CAMEL-16331
- camel-core - DefaultConsumer used as PolllingConsumer EIP should not be pooled exchanges
- CAMEL-16328
- Restore support for Slack custom server URL
- CAMEL-16326
- camel-core - Optimize EIP storing information in exchange properties
- CAMEL-16322
- Have a middle folder for google components
- CAMEL-16321
- Have a middle folder for azure components
- CAMEL-16319
- camel-core - Optimize consumer done callback
- CAMEL-16315
- Camel-Netty: Support Hostname verification even though we are on Netty 4.1.x
- CAMEL-16314
- camel-core - Some components does not work well with pooled exchanges
- CAMEL-16313
- camel-splunk: can not use component without credentials (to be able to communicate with free splunk server)
- CAMEL-16311
- camel-freemarker - Localized lookup should be disabled
- CAMEL-16294
- camel-core - PollingConsumer - add option to handover the UoW
- CAMEL-16292
- Upgrade to spring boot 2.4.3
- CAMEL-16288
- camel-core - Endpoint should have getMaskedEndpointUri
- CAMEL-16286
- camel-core - Services should invoke doBuild on child services
- CAMEL-16279
- camel-core - Optimize routing engine to reuse internal state objects for GC reduction
- CAMEL-16272
- camel-core - Optimize routing engine to reduce object allocation in redelivery error handler
- CAMEL-16271
- camel-core - ReactiveExecutor add option to turn on|off statistics
- CAMEL-16270
- Vertx Buffer converter should sharable among vertx components and not tied with vertx-web.
- CAMEL-16265
- camel-microprofile-metrics - Mask sensitive data in endpoint URLs
- CAMEL-16264
- camel-http - Add option to ignore response headers
- CAMEL-16262
- camel-http - Add disable options on component to turn features off
- CAMEL-16253
- Improve the way that the LRA client determines the new LRA URL
- CAMEL-16250
- Support text finishing with a dash in StringHelper.dashToCamelCase
- CAMEL-16245
- Improvement camel-google-storage guava dependency
- CAMEL-16238
- Registry is not released after camelcontext calls the shutdown method
- CAMEL-16232
- Camel-http: component doesn't use system properties `javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword` and `javax.net.ssl.keyStore` if parameter `useSystemPr0perties` is set to true
- CAMEL-16231
- camel-core - Optimize HeaderFilterStrategy to not include header value
- CAMEL-16222
- camel-core - ExchangeFactory SPI
- CAMEL-16220
- camel-http - optimize producer when sending to uri without any change
- CAMEL-16219
- camel-core - Kamelet - Add support for optional template parameters
- CAMEL-16218
- Mark use of java.util.Random with NOSONAR to not have false flags in code analysis reports
- CAMEL-16217
- camel-core - FluentProducerTemplate - optimize to uri when its the same endpoint
- CAMEL-16215
- camel-http - Optimize isStatusCodeOk
- CAMEL-16207
- camel-core - Optimize HeaderFilterStrategy with startsWith pattern
- CAMEL-16205
- camel-http - Optimize extract response body for small payloads
- CAMEL-16203
- camel-core - Optimize removeHeaders all
- CAMEL-16202
- camel-core - Optimize DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy filtering
- CAMEL-16201
- camel-jfr - Save camel-recording in current dir by default
- CAMEL-16199
- camel-http - Optimize headers added as request headers in producer
- CAMEL-16194
- Optaplanner : upgrade to optaplanner 8.x
- CAMEL-16192
- camel-spring-boot-engine-starter
- CAMEL-16183
- camel-spring - XML DSL remove remoting/proxy
- CAMEL-16182
- test-infra modules don't support testcontainers hub.image.name.prefix configuration
- CAMEL-16175
- camel javascript routes loader
- CAMEL-16174
- camel-zookeeper - Upgrade to latest 3.5.x
- CAMEL-16172
- Upgrade to version 0.15.0 of OpenTelemetry
- CAMEL-16170
- camel-spring-core - spring module with XML
- CAMEL-16169
- camel-core - context.addComponent(name, instance) should auto start if needed
- CAMEL-16162
- camel-core - OnCompletion EIP - Only 1 allowed
- CAMEL-16155
- camel-zookeeper-master: add option to set a custom ManagedGroupFactory
- CAMEL-16105
- camel-kafka - AllowManualCommit does not ensure full control of the commit flows
- CAMEL-15924
- [camel-vertx-kafka] Add the ability to commit the offsets manually
- CAMEL-15741
- camel-joor - Add function for header and exchange property with default value
- CAMEL-14490
- Have a middle folder for aws and aws2 components
- CAMEL-10956
- camel-core: more flexible route loader
New Feature (12)
- CAMEL-16323
- Create a Camel-AWS-Secret-Manager component
- CAMEL-16310
- Allow to configure type of MessageListenerContainer in camel-spring-rabbitmq
- CAMEL-16302
- camel-core - Optional property placeholders
- CAMEL-16301
- Allow endpoint to override prefetchCount from component
- CAMEL-16285
- Extensible ResourceHelper
- CAMEL-16255
- Use of the slack-api-model to create rich content
- CAMEL-16213
- camel-core - Exchange pooling
- CAMEL-16153
- camel-report-maven-plugin: overallCoverageThreshold
- CAMEL-15964
- Create a Google Cloud Storage component
- CAMEL-15963
- Create a Google Cloud Functions component
- CAMEL-14053
- Routes Loader SPI
- CAMEL-12545
- create a yaml based route loader
Sub-task (1)
- CAMEL-16012
- Remove camel-example- prefix in folder names in camel-examples
Task (33)
- CAMEL-16363
- Create Camel-aws-secrets-manager starter
- CAMEL-16362
- camel-spring-boot - BOM generator JAR alignments error
- CAMEL-16347
- Camel test-infra: Create a module for AWS Secrets manager
- CAMEL-16334
- Having a middle folder for test (unit + testcontainers) components
- CAMEL-16333
- Having a middle folder for debezium components
- CAMEL-16332
- Have a middle folder for microprofile components
- CAMEL-16329
- Camel-Google-Mail-Stream: Set markAsRead as true by default
- CAMEL-16308
- Camel-Google-bigquery-sql: Rename query parameter in bigquery sql component
- CAMEL-16303
- URI generation: if a part of the component name is equal to a path parameter the URI generation will fail
- CAMEL-16300
- Camel-Examples: Add a google pubsub example
- CAMEL-16299
- Test infra: allow greater service configuration
- CAMEL-16293
- Camel-AWS2-Components: Autocreation of entities should be false by default
- CAMEL-16278
- Use azure-sdk-bom instead of individual azure artifact versions
- CAMEL-16277
- Camel-File: Use appendChar for the first message too
- CAMEL-16275
- Move the RouteBuilderLoader from camel-joor, camel-xml-io and camel-xml-jaxb to a dedicated artifact in the dsl folder
- CAMEL-16274
- Camel-google-storage: serviceAccountKey should be supported as file, classpath, remote etc.
- CAMEL-16268
- camel-xstream - Test dependency of junit-vintage-engine not set to scope test
- CAMEL-16267
- camel-examples - Add yaml-dsl example
- CAMEL-16261
- Github PR Template: Make it optional
- CAMEL-16254
- [camel-debezium-common] Support nested Structs
- CAMEL-16251
- Move Performance and jmh itests in a separated repository
- CAMEL-16246
- Remove deprecated Camel-Azure component
- CAMEL-16229
- Mocking Existing Endpoints Doc Not Updated
- CAMEL-16224
- Create Spring Boot starter for camel-google-storage
- CAMEL-16211
- Revisit RoutesDefinition::route(RouteDefinition route)
- CAMEL-16195
- Remove camel-optaplanner Karaf feature
- CAMEL-16193
- Use SecureRandom instead of Random
- CAMEL-16190
- Sensitive configuration values not redacted in Auto-configuration summary
- CAMEL-16186
- Camel-AWS2-SQS: Support String as body for batch message
- CAMEL-16171
- Add uri-endpoint-override options to all AWS2 components
- CAMEL-16156
- Improve the usage of org.apache.camel.jmx.disabled
- CAMEL-16137
- Investigate the usage of java.awt.headless system property in tests
- CAMEL-16115
- Remove Camel-AWS-* components
Test (2)
- CAMEL-16369
- camel-endpointdsl and camel-componentdsl - Test without JMX enabled
- CAMEL-15635
- Some Kudu tests are failing in JDK >= 12 builds
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