JVM since1.0.0 Native since1.0.0

Perform SQL queries using Spring JDBC.

What’s inside

Please refer to the above links for usage and configuration details.

Maven coordinates

Or add the coordinates to your existing project:


Check the User guide for more information about writing Camel Quarkus applications.


If you are using SQL Aggregator in native mode, you have to register several classes for serialization using GraalVM feature. Serialization support since GraalVM 21.0 allows developers to configure classes for serialization via the serialization configuration file -H:SerializationConfigurationResources=/path-to/serialization-config.json option. For more information see pull request with feature.

Several classes has to be registered for serialization every time to make SQL Aggregator work in native. Here is a template of serialization-config.json with all mandatory classes:

    "name" : "java.lang.Integer"
    "name" : "java.lang.Number"
    "name" : "java.lang.String"
    "name" : "java.util.HashMap"
    "name" : "java.util.LinkedHashMap"
    "name" : "org.apache.camel.support.DefaultExchangeHolder"

Additional Camel Quarkus configuration

Configuring a DataSource

This extension leverages Quarkus Agroal for DataSource support. Setting up a DataSource can be achieved via configuration properties.


The Camel SQL component will automatically resolve the DataSource bean from the registry. When configuring multiple datasources, you can specify which one is to be used on an SQL endpoint via the URI options datasource or dataSourceRef. Refer to the SQL component documentation for more details.

SQL scripts

When configuring sql or sql-stored endpoints to reference script files from the classpath, set the following configuration property to ensure that they are available in native mode. Note that URI schemes such as file or http do not need to be listed.

quarkus.native.resources.includes = queries.sql, sql/*.sql