dns dig action DNS DIG Action

Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"

Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"

Query a DNS through Dig

The Kamelet expects the following headers to be set:

  • domain-name / ce-domainname: as the domain for which we are querying the DNS

  • dns-type / ce-dnstype: as the DNS type

If the domain-name header won’t be set the body will be used as domain name.

If the dns-type header won’t be set, the DNS Type A will be used.

Configuration Options

The Kamelet does not specify any configuration option.


This section summarizes how the dns-dig-action can be used in various contexts.

Knative Action

The dns-dig-action Kamelet can be used as intermediate step in a Knative binding.

apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: KameletBinding
  name: dns-dig-action-binding
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: timer-source
      message: "Hello"
  - ref:
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: dns-dig-action
      kind: Channel
      apiVersion: messaging.knative.dev/v1
      name: mychannel

Make sure you have Camel K installed into the Kubernetes cluster you’re connected to.

Save the dns-dig-action-binding.yaml file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.

You can run the action using the following command:

kubectl apply -f dns-dig-action-binding.yaml


The Kamelet needs the following dependencies:

  • camel:dns

  • camel:kamelet

Binding to Knative using the Kamel CLI:

The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the kamel bind command:

kamel bind timer-source?message=Hello --step dns-dig-action channel:mychannel

This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.

Kafka Action

The dns-dig-action Kamelet can be used as intermediate step in a Kafka binding.

apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: KameletBinding
  name: dns-dig-action-binding
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: timer-source
      message: "Hello"
  - ref:
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: dns-dig-action
      kind: KafkaTopic
      apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
      name: my-topic

Ensure that you’ve installed Strimzi and created a topic named my-topic in the current namespace. Make also sure you have Camel K installed into the Kubernetes cluster you’re connected to.

Save the dns-dig-action-binding.yaml file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.

You can run the action using the following command:

kubectl apply -f dns-dig-action-binding.yaml

Binding to Kafka using the Kamel CLI:

The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the kamel bind command:

kamel bind timer-source?message=Hello --step dns-dig-action kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1:KafkaTopic:my-topic

This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.

Kamelet source file

Have a look at the following link: