dropbox sink Dropbox Sink

Provided by: "Apache Software Foundation"

Support Level for this Kamelet is: "Preview"

Upload Files to Dropbox.

The Kamelet expects the following headers to be set:

  • file / ce-file: as the file name to upload

If the header won’t be set the exchange ID will be used as file name.

Configuration Options

The following table summarizes the configuration options available for the dropbox-sink Kamelet:

Property Name Description Type Default Example

accessToken *

Dropbox Access Token

The access Token to use to access Dropbox


clientIdentifier *

Client Identifier

Dropbox App client Identifier


remotePath *

Remote Path

Original file or folder to work with


uploadMode *

Upload Mode

Which mode to upload. in case of add the new file will be renamed if a file with the same name already exists on dropbox. in case of force if a file with the same name already exists on dropbox, this will be overwritten. The value can be one of add, force.



Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.


This section summarizes how the dropbox-sink can be used in various contexts.

Knative Sink

The dropbox-sink Kamelet can be used as Knative sink by binding it to a Knative object.

apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: KameletBinding
  name: dropbox-sink-binding
      kind: Channel
      apiVersion: messaging.knative.dev/v1
      name: mychannel
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: dropbox-sink
      accessToken: "The Dropbox Access Token"
      clientIdentifier: "The Client Identifier"
      remotePath: "The Remote Path"

Make sure you have Camel K installed into the Kubernetes cluster you’re connected to.

Save the dropbox-sink-binding.yaml file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.

You can run the sink using the following command:

kubectl apply -f dropbox-sink-binding.yaml


The Kamelet needs the following dependencies:

  • camel:dropbox

  • camel:kamelet

Binding to Knative using the Kamel CLI:

The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the kamel bind command:

kamel bind channel:mychannel dropbox-sink -p "sink.accessToken=The Dropbox Access Token" -p "sink.clientIdentifier=The Client Identifier" -p "sink.remotePath=The Remote Path"

This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.

Kafka Sink

The dropbox-sink Kamelet can be used as Kafka sink by binding it to a Kafka topic.

apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
kind: KameletBinding
  name: dropbox-sink-binding
      kind: KafkaTopic
      apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1
      name: my-topic
      kind: Kamelet
      apiVersion: camel.apache.org/v1alpha1
      name: dropbox-sink
      accessToken: "The Dropbox Access Token"
      clientIdentifier: "The Client Identifier"
      remotePath: "The Remote Path"

Ensure that you’ve installed Strimzi and created a topic named my-topic in the current namespace. Make also sure you have Camel K installed into the Kubernetes cluster you’re connected to.

Save the dropbox-sink-binding.yaml file into your hard drive, then configure it according to your needs.

You can run the sink using the following command:

kubectl apply -f dropbox-sink-binding.yaml

Binding to Kafka using the Kamel CLI:

The procedure described above can be simplified into a single execution of the kamel bind command:

kamel bind kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta1:KafkaTopic:my-topic dropbox-sink -p "sink.accessToken=The Dropbox Access Token" -p "sink.clientIdentifier=The Client Identifier" -p "sink.remotePath=The Remote Path"

This will create the KameletBinding under the hood and apply it to the current namespace in the cluster.

Kamelet source file

Have a look at the following link: