Data Formats
Below is the list of data formats that are provided by Apache Camel.
Number of Data Formats: 47 in 39 JAR artifacts (6 deprecated)
Data Format | Artifact | Status | Since | Description |
camel-asn1 |
2.20 |
The ASN.1 data format is used for file transfer with telecommunications protocols. |
camel-avro |
2.14 |
The Avro data format is used for serialization and deserialization of messages using Apache Avro binary dataformat. |
camel-barcode |
2.14 |
The Barcode data format is used for creating barccode images (such as QR-Code) |
camel-base64 |
2.11 |
The Base64 data format is used for base64 encoding and decoding. |
camel-beanio |
2.10 |
The BeanIO data format is used for working with flat payloads (such as CSV, delimited, or fixed length formats). |
camel-bindy |
2.0 |
The Bindy data format is used for working with flat payloads (such as CSV, delimited, fixed length formats, or FIX messages). |
camel-boon |
deprecated |
2.16 |
Boon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-castor |
deprecated |
2.1 |
Castor data format is used for unmarshal a XML payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to XML payload. |
camel-crypto |
2.3 |
Crypto data format is used for encrypting and decrypting of messages using Java Cryptographic Extension. |
camel-csv |
1.3 |
The CSV data format is used for handling CSV payloads. |
camel-fhir |
2.21 |
The FHIR JSon data format is used to marshall/unmarshall to/from FHIR objects to/from JSON. |
camel-fhir |
2.21 |
The FHIR XML data format is used to marshall/unmarshall from/to FHIR objects to/from XML. |
camel-flatpack |
2.1 |
The Flatpack data format is used for working with flat payloads (such as CSV, delimited, or fixed length formats). |
camel-core |
2.0 |
The GZip data format is a message compression and de-compression format (which works with the popular gzip/gunzip tools). |
camel-hessian |
deprecated |
2.17 |
Hessian data format is used for marshalling and unmarshalling messages using Cauchos Hessian format. |
camel-hl7 |
2.0 |
The HL7 data format can be used to marshal or unmarshal HL7 (Health Care) model objects. |
camel-ical |
2.12 |
The iCal dataformat is used for working with iCalendar messages. |
camel-jacksonxml |
2.16 |
JacksonXML data format is used for unmarshal a XML payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to XML payload. |
camel-core |
deprecated |
2.12 |
Serialization is a data format which uses the standard Java Serialization mechanism to unmarshal a binary payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into a binary blob. |
camel-jaxb |
1.0 |
JAXB data format uses the JAXB2 XML marshalling standard to unmarshal an XML payload into Java objects or to marshal Java objects into an XML payload. |
camel-jibx |
2.6 |
JiBX data format is used for unmarshal a XML payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to XML payload. |
camel-fastjson |
2.20 |
JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-gson |
2.10 |
JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-jackson |
2.0 |
JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-johnzon |
2.18 |
JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-xstream |
2.0 |
JSon data format is used for unmarshal a JSon payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to JSon payload. |
camel-lzf |
2.17 |
The LZF data format is a message compression and de-compression format (uses the LZF deflate algorithm). |
camel-mail |
2.17 |
The MIME Multipart data format can marshal a Camel message with attachments into a Camel message having a MIME-Multipart message as message body (and no attachments), and vise-versa when unmarshalling. |
camel-crypto |
2.9 |
PGP data format is used for encrypting and decrypting of messages using Java Cryptographic Extension and PGP. |
camel-protobuf |
2.2 |
The Protobuf data format is used for serializing between Java objects and the Google Protobuf protocol. |
camel-rss |
2.1 |
RSS data format is used for working with RSS sync feed Java Objects and transforming to XML and vice-versa. |
camel-soap |
2.3 |
SOAP is a data format which uses JAXB2 and JAX-WS annotations to marshal and unmarshal SOAP payloads. |
camel-core |
deprecated |
2.12 |
String data format is a textual based format that supports character encoding. |
camel-syslog |
2.6 |
The Syslog dataformat is used for working with RFC3164 and RFC5424 messages (logging and monitoring). |
camel-tarfile |
2.16 |
The Tar File data format is a message compression and de-compression format of tar files. |
camel-thrift |
2.20 |
The Thrift data format is used for serialization and deserialization of messages using Apache Thrift binary dataformat. |
camel-tagsoup |
2.0 |
TidyMarkup data format is used for parsing HTML and return it as pretty well-formed HTML. |
camel-univocity-parsers |
2.15 |
The uniVocity CSV data format is used for working with CSV (Comma Separated Values) flat payloads. |
camel-univocity-parsers |
2.15 |
The uniVocity Fixed Length data format is used for working with fixed length flat payloads. |
camel-univocity-parsers |
2.15 |
The uniVocity TSV data format is used for working with TSV (Tabular Separated Values) flat payloads. |
camel-xmlbeans |
deprecated |
1.2 |
XML Beans data format is used for unmarshal a XML payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to XML payload. |
camel-xmlrpc |
2.11 |
The XML RPC data format is used for working with the XML RPC protocol. |
camel-xmlsecurity |
2.0 |
The XML Security data format facilitates encryption and decryption of XML payloads. |
camel-xstream |
1.3 |
XSTream data format is used for unmarshal a XML payload to POJO or to marshal POJO back to XML payload. |
camel-snakeyaml |
2.17 |
YAML is a data format to marshal and unmarshal Java objects to and from YAML. |
camel-core |
2.12 |
Zip Deflate Compression data format is a message compression and de-compression format (not zip files). |
camel-zipfile |
2.11 |
The Zip File data format is a message compression and de-compression format of zip files. |