Hystrix Configuration
The Hystrix Configuration EIP supports 31 options which are listed below:
Name | Description | Default | Type |
groupKey |
Sets the group key to use. The default value is CamelHystrix. |
CamelHystrix |
String |
threadPoolKey |
Sets the thread pool key to use. Will by default use the same value as groupKey has been configured to use. |
CamelHystrix |
String |
circuitBreakerEnabled |
Whether to use a HystrixCircuitBreaker or not. If false no circuit-breaker logic will be used and all requests permitted. This is similar in effect to circuitBreakerForceClosed() except that continues tracking metrics and knowing whether it should be open/closed, this property results in not even instantiating a circuit-breaker. |
true |
Boolean |
circuitBreakerErrorThresholdPercentage |
Error percentage threshold (as whole number such as 50) at which point the circuit breaker will trip open and reject requests. It will stay tripped for the duration defined in circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds; The error percentage this is compared against comes from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). |
50 |
Integer |
circuitBreakerForceClosed |
If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker#allowRequest() will always return true to allow requests regardless of the error percentage from HystrixCommandMetrics.getHealthCounts(). The circuitBreakerForceOpen() property takes precedence so if it set to true this property does nothing. |
false |
Boolean |
circuitBreakerForceOpen |
If true the HystrixCircuitBreaker.allowRequest() will always return false, causing the circuit to be open (tripped) and reject all requests. This property takes precedence over circuitBreakerForceClosed(); |
false |
Boolean |
circuitBreakerRequestVolumeThreshold |
Minimum number of requests in the metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds() that must exist before the HystrixCircuitBreaker will trip. If below this number the circuit will not trip regardless of error percentage. |
20 |
Integer |
circuitBreakerSleepWindowInMilliseconds |
The time in milliseconds after a HystrixCircuitBreaker trips open that it should wait before trying requests again. |
5000 |
Integer |
executionIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests |
Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.run(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will be rejected. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy == SEMAPHORE. |
20 |
Integer |
executionIsolationStrategy |
What isolation strategy HystrixCommand.run() will be executed with. If THREAD then it will be executed on a separate thread and concurrent requests limited by the number of threads in the thread-pool. If SEMAPHORE then it will be executed on the calling thread and concurrent requests limited by the semaphore count. |
String |
executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout |
Whether the execution thread should attempt an interrupt (using Future#cancel ) when a thread times out. Applicable only when executionIsolationStrategy() == THREAD. |
true |
Boolean |
executionTimeoutInMilliseconds |
Time in milliseconds at which point the command will timeout and halt execution. If executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnTimeout == true and the command is thread-isolated, the executing thread will be interrupted. If the command is semaphore-isolated and a HystrixObservableCommand, that command will get unsubscribed. |
1000 |
Integer |
executionTimeoutEnabled |
Whether the timeout mechanism is enabled for this command |
true |
Boolean |
fallbackIsolationSemaphoreMaxConcurrentRequests |
Number of concurrent requests permitted to HystrixCommand.getFallback(). Requests beyond the concurrent limit will fail-fast and not attempt retrieving a fallback. |
10 |
Integer |
fallbackEnabled |
Whether HystrixCommand.getFallback() should be attempted when failure occurs. |
true |
Boolean |
metricsHealthSnapshotIntervalInMilliseconds |
Time in milliseconds to wait between allowing health snapshots to be taken that calculate success and error percentages and affect HystrixCircuitBreaker.isOpen() status. On high-volume circuits the continual calculation of error percentage can become CPU intensive thus this controls how often it is calculated. |
500 |
Integer |
metricsRollingPercentileBucketSize |
Maximum number of values stored in each bucket of the rolling percentile. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. |
10 |
Integer |
metricsRollingPercentileEnabled |
Whether percentile metrics should be captured using HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. |
true |
Boolean |
metricsRollingPercentileWindowInMilliseconds |
Duration of percentile rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. |
10000 |
Integer |
metricsRollingPercentileWindowBuckets |
Number of buckets the rolling percentile window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingPercentile inside HystrixCommandMetrics. |
6 |
Integer |
metricsRollingStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds |
This property sets the duration of the statistical rolling window, in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the thread pool. The window is divided into buckets and rolls by those increments. |
10000 |
Integer |
metricsRollingStatisticalWindowBuckets |
Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside HystrixCommandMetrics. |
10 |
Integer |
requestLogEnabled |
Whether HystrixCommand execution and events should be logged to HystrixRequestLog. |
true |
Boolean |
corePoolSize |
Core thread-pool size that gets passed to java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor#setCorePoolSize(int) |
10 |
Integer |
maximumSize |
Maximum thread-pool size that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setMaximumPoolSize(int) . This is the maximum amount of concurrency that can be supported without starting to reject HystrixCommands. Please note that this setting only takes effect if you also set allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize |
10 |
Integer |
keepAliveTime |
Keep-alive time in minutes that gets passed to ThreadPoolExecutor#setKeepAliveTime(long,TimeUnit) |
1 |
Integer |
maxQueueSize |
Max queue size that gets passed to BlockingQueue in HystrixConcurrencyStrategy.getBlockingQueue(int) This should only affect the instantiation of a threadpool - it is not eliglible to change a queue size on the fly. For that, use queueSizeRejectionThreshold(). |
-1 |
Integer |
queueSizeRejectionThreshold |
Queue size rejection threshold is an artificial max size at which rejections will occur even if maxQueueSize has not been reached. This is done because the maxQueueSize of a BlockingQueue can not be dynamically changed and we want to support dynamically changing the queue size that affects rejections. This is used by HystrixCommand when queuing a thread for execution. |
5 |
Integer |
threadPoolRollingNumberStatisticalWindowInMilliseconds |
Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. |
10000 |
Integer |
threadPoolRollingNumberStatisticalWindowBuckets |
Number of buckets the rolling statistical window is broken into. This is passed into HystrixRollingNumber inside each HystrixThreadPoolMetrics instance. |
10 |
Integer |
allowMaximumSizeToDivergeFromCoreSize |
Allows the configuration for maximumSize to take effect. That value can then be equal to, or higher, than coreSize |
false |
Boolean |