
The Camel Components for Microsoft Azure Services provide connectivity to Azure services from Camel.

Azure components

See the following for usage of each component:

Azure CosmosDB

To read and write records to the CosmosDB database on Azure cloud platform.

Azure Event Hubs

The azure-eventhubs component that integrates Azure Event Hubs using AMQP protocol. Azure EventHubs is a highly scalable publish-subscribe service that can ingest millions of events per second and stream them to multiple consumers.

Azure ServiceBus

The azure-servicebus component that integrates Azure ServiceBus. Azure ServiceBus is a fully managed enterprise integration message broker. Service Bus can decouple applications and services. Service Bus offers a reliable and secure platform for asynchronous transfer of data and state. Data is transferred between different applications and services using messages.

Azure Storage Blob Service

Store and retrieve blobs from Azure Storage Blob Service using SDK v12.

Azure storage datalake service

Camel Azure Datalake Gen2 Component

Azure Storage Queue Service

The azure-storage-queue component is used for storing and retrieving the messages to/from Azure Storage Queue using Azure SDK v12.