
Kamelets (Kamel route snippets) allow users to connect to external systems via a simplified interface, hiding all the low level details about how those connections are implemented.

The Kamelet EIP allows calling Kamelets (i.e. Route Template). When calling a Kamelet you may just refer to the name (template id) of the Kamelet in the EIP as shown below:


The Kamelet eip supports 1 options, which are listed below.

Name Description Default Type


Required Name of the Kamelet (templateId/routeId) to call. Options for the kamelet can be specified using uri syntax, eg mynamecount=4&type=gold.



Sets the description of this node.


Using Kamelet EIP


And in XML

    <from uri="direct:start"/>
    <kamelet name="foo"/>
    <to uri="mock:result"/>

Camel will then, when starting:

  • Lookup the Route Template with the given id (in the example above its foo) from the CamelContext

  • Create a new route based on the Route Template


The implementation of the Kamelet EIP is located in the camel-kamelet JAR, so you should add the following dependency:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

See Also

See the example camel-example-kamelet.